
What not to ever buy! Yuck!
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Awh Marley!

Welcome bebe Marley!

6lb 14oz 20" 1:07am
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Another Marley update from The Young Krygers Blog

Wednesday, November 12, 2008

marley is very happy!
i went to my doctors appointment and i am only one plus dilated, and 80% effaced. we scheduled my induction on wednesday the 19th (hopefully she comes before that). so marley is really liking chilling inside me and has no intention of coming out. well that is about it. lets all hope i go into labor magically tomorrow on my due date!

Marley Update

The young Krygers had to make their blog private...So here is their Nov 4th post

38.5 weeks
so i went in for my appointment and i was dialted to one cm. she couldn't get a good read on the heart beat so, she sent me up to ob emergency to get a nonstress test done. marley is good but during the test i had about five consistant contractions. they told me to go home and rest and if my contractions continue to head back up to the hospital. i decided that i feel fine and am at work. it is closer to the hospital that home is so we will see. i am still having contractions but not really as consistant as they were. we will keep you all posted!

Halloween Party

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The Halloween torch has been passed to the next generation and the party goes on!! Kudos to the host and photographer Ash!!

2nd Pumpkin Carving & Soup Party

I love to grow pumpkins and get everyone together to carve them. Everyone brought a different soup to share YUMMY!

Trav & Mel

Jackson Hole Wyoming
What a great place, perfect for a wedding! The weather couldn't have been any better! I have a lot of great pictures I'm seriously behind in more to follow for the weekend I promise!
Welcome to our crazy family Mel. We love you!!